Beijing One World Culture Communications Co., Ltd.
公司于 2008 年(nián)起全力進入中國(guó)音(yīn)樂劇産業(yè)發展領域,先後簽署了《媽媽咪呀!》《貓》等一(yī)系列世界經典音(yīn)樂劇的中文版版權,成功制作并推動中文版音(yīn)樂劇在全國(guó)幾十座城(chéng)市(shì)的巡演。2015 年(nián)起引進并運營世界經典音(yīn)樂劇百老彙原版《劇院魅影》、紐約互動體驗秀《藍人秀》、百老彙原版音(yīn)樂劇《芝加哥》、托尼獎史詩音(yīn)樂劇《泰坦尼克号》、法國(guó)原版琵雅芙舞台音(yīn)樂傳記《玫瑰人生(shēng)》、挪威神秘園音(yīn)樂會(huì)、俄羅斯亞曆山大紅(hóng)旗歌(gē)舞團訪華演出、《三魅影》音(yīn)樂劇明星音(yīn)樂會(huì)等衆多(duō)大型國(guó)際演出項目的國(guó)内巡演,打造《人生(shēng)首席 2020 人民(mín)大會(huì)堂新年(nián)音(yīn)樂會(huì)》、中文版音(yīn)樂劇《周日戀曲》《謀殺歌(gē)謠》等精品演出項目,制作中文原創音(yīn)樂劇《靈魂擺渡之永生(shēng)》等。同時,四海一(yī)家運營大型民(mín)族舞劇《孔子》、舞劇《永不消逝的電(diàn)波》、舞蹈詩劇《隻此青綠》、北(běi)京舞蹈學院青年(nián)舞團《舞動經典》等高(gāo)質量演出項目的全國(guó)巡演,并推動多(duō)項中國(guó)傳統藝術(shù)精品帶在美國(guó)、法國(guó)、德國(guó)、韓國(guó)等國(guó)家進行演出。
Beijing One World Culture Communications Co., Ltd (OWCC)which generates content of the show, is a part of China Arts and Entertainment Group's CPAA Theaters. As one of the earliest companies in China that commercialized theatrical performances, the company is primarily responsible for art performance introduction, performing arts production and operation, as well as the project marketing of performances, etc.
OWCC has successfully organized performing tours of Kirov Ballet, Spanish National Ballet, Philadelphia Orchestra, Valery Gergiev Opera Gala, Argentina’s Tango Dance, Irish Riverdance, world's classical musicals Cats, Mamma Mia!,etc. The company has participated extensively in cultural exchange activities such as "Sino-French culture year", "Italian Year", "Greek Year", held the national "Meeting in Beijing" Arts Festival in Beijing over years.
OWCC began its full immersion in the area of musical production since 2008. It signed contracts for Mamma Mia!, Cats and various world classic musicals in Chinese version which have been successfully produced and toured across the country. OWCC imported and operated the Broadway original world classic musical The Phantom of the Opera, the show Blue Man, the Broadway original musical Chicago, the Tony